Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship, Product Design 11 UX Design Tweaks to Boost Conversion Rates (Backed by research!) Selling your services or products online is an art in itself. With a barrage of ads, social media posts and videos screaming for the average...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship How to Find Success as an Introvert Running a Design Business As more and more Silicon Valley powerhouses take to the limelight, I don’t think there’s a better time to be an introvert in business. Right...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship 6 Steps to Jump from a 3-figure Freelancer to Running a 6-figure Design Agency Remarkable things usually come from humble beginnings. For any creatives who have done small-time freelancing, you’d know what I’m talking about. Most of us start...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship How to Hire Your First Employee Like a Real Boss Part 4 of ‘How to Build a Design Agency for Under $3K in 5 Years’ For business owners, there are many firsts that stay forever...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship How to Secure Your First Retainer Client to Quit Your Job Part 3 of ‘How to Build a Design Agency for Under $3K in 5 Years’ In the freelancing world, stability is often the most valuable...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship How to Create a Sophisticated Portfolio When You’re Starting Out Part 2 of ‘How to Build A Design Agency for Under $3K in 5 Years’ Welcome to the second part of my 6-month miniseries on...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship How to Build a Design Agency from Scratch For Under $3K As the founder of a design agency, people often ask me for advice on design or building and running a business. While I love to...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship 3 Things I Look Forward to After the Great Lockdown It is halfway through the second quarter of 2020, and for some, time has never moved so slowly when you are staying indoors every day,...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship How Our Digital Design Agency is Surviving the Covid-19 Pandemic It’s a strange time to be in business now. Like everyone else, our digital design agency has had to change the way we work to...Read More
Alvin Hermanto In Entrepreneurship How I learnt to stop worrying and love my clients Listen to the audio version of this article via Soundcloud below: Where did we go wrong? Creative types tend to get sensitive when it comes to...Read More