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Product Design

How to Manage Product Stakeholders So Your Job Gets Easier

As a product manager, you’re never working alone. Beyond product roadmaps and deliverables, you are often the bridge between teams, management, investors, and customers. Navigating…
Design Sprint

UX Audit: The Secret Base Ingredient to a Great Product Design

Things move fast in the user experience field such that regular UX audits are becoming a necessity to stay relevant in the market. A UX…
Design Thinking

A Beginner’s Guide to Inclusive and Accessible Design

UX design is about creating great experiences for your users. It’s also about ensuring every one of your users, regardless of their abilities and background,…

How to Find Success as an Introvert Running a Design Business

Listen to the audio version of this article via Soundcloud below: As more and more Silicon Valley powerhouses take to the limelight, I don’t think…
Product Design

How to Avoid Building a Product That Fails Upon Launch

Building a new digital product is always exciting. Whether you’re starting from a clean slate or redesigning an existing product, there’s opportunities to experiment, design,…
Design Sprint

How to break design deadlocks using the Silent Art Museum method

Choosing the best design can get tricky at times, especially when there are opposing views in the room. To solve this conundrum, I usually like…